Welcome to the Source Mag Listings. If you want to enter a new listing and/or venue, please register first - top bar; right. Please check first if the Venue is already listed to avoid conflicts - search this site to find out. Thanks ;)
Date Title Venue Category
3.12.15, 10.00 h - 12.12.15, 17.00 h Muse At 269 Arts, Galleries & Exhibitions
6.12.15, 11.00 h - 16.00 h Acklam Village Market Music
6.12.15, 18.00 h 20th century Theatre Music
7.12.15, 18.00 h - 21.00 h The Whippet Inn Other
9.12.15, 17.00 h - 10.12.15, 21.00 h Acklam Village Market Family and kids
10.12.15, 20.30 h - 23.00 h - Music
11.12.15, 19.30 h Muse At 269 Arts, Galleries & Exhibitions
11.12.15, 21.00 h - 12.12.15, 03.00 h MODE Bar · Nightclub Music
13.12.15, 17.00 h The Shop Music
13.12.15, 17.00 h - 19.00 h The Red Lemon Music
16.12.15, 18.00 h - 20.00 h Graffik Gallery Arts, Galleries & Exhibitions
18.12.15, 18.30 h West Bank London Art Music
18.12.15, 21.00 h - 19.12.15, 02.00 h Masons Arms Music
31.12.15, 20.30 h - 1.01.16, 04.00 h Paradise Music
31.12.15, 21.00 h - 1.01.16, 03.00 h Masons Arms Music
3.02.16, 19.00 h - 24.02.16 Paradise Music
10.02.16, 19.00 h - 2.03.16 Paradise Music
17.02.16, 19.00 h - 9.03.16 Paradise Music
24.02.16, 19.00 h - 16.03.16 Paradise Music
2.03.16, 19.00 h - 23.03.16 Paradise Music
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